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Kota for Employers
Let's make it easy for you to offer great benefits to your staff
61 articles
How much can a company contribute to employees' benefits?
Do I need to add all my employees?
How can I engage my employees to enrol in the benefits offered?
Will Kota need to carry out any regulatory checks on our company?
How long does it take for my benefits to be active?
Can employees see any information on packages?
What benefits can I offer to my employees via Kota?
How do I create a benefits package for my employees?
How do I add my employees to a benefit package on Kota?
How do I change a benefit package?
How do I add or edit a payment method?
How do I delete employees from Kota?
How can I add or delete an admin on my Kota employer account?
What HRIS platforms can Kota integrate with?
How do I update employees’ details?
Why can't I log in to my account?
How can I use Kota to offer my own employee benefits?
How can I change or delete my own employee benefits?
How much does Kota cost?
In which currency will I be charged?
When will I be charged?
What payment methods do you have?
Will employee names be listed on invoices?
Can I get an invoice from Kota?
Can I have a report on what I'm being charged each month?
What if my employees select a health plan cheaper than my contribution?
Can I cancel at any time?
Will I be charged cancellation fees?
Why is my first Kota deduction for more than one month?