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How do I make a complaint to Kota?
How do I make a complaint to Kota?

If you're dissatisfied with our services, see below the several options available to file a complaint

Updated over 9 months ago

Kota is committed to providing a high standard of service to all of our customers.

If you have found that you are not happy with Kota services or the Kota platform, you are entitled to make a complaint.

How do I lodge a complaint?

You can write to us at:

Yonder Technology Limited, 128 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 A430

You can email us at:

After submitting your complaint, we will be in touch to speak with you about the complaint.

What if I'm unhappy with your final response?

You are entitled to contact your local regulatory body, or ombudsman should you still be unsatisfied with the result of your complaint. Please see the details below for our various markets:

  • Ireland

You can refer your complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) which is an independent body. The FSPO will ask you to raise your complaint with us first, before you go to them, and will ask to see a copy of our final response letter to you. You can email the FSPO at [email protected] or telephone it on 01 567 7000. Information about the FSPO is also available from its website

  • Other EU and EEA countries

If you wish to refer your complaint to your local regulatory authority or ombudsman, please contact us and we will provide you with the correct information and process.

  • UK

You can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if the complaint relates to our Private Medical Insurance services. You must have received a final complaint response from Kota before you can refer your complaint to the FOS. More information about the FOS, including on eligibility to refer a complaint, is available at

If you have a complaint about how your pension scheme is run, you should contact Smart Pension. They have to respond within 8 weeks. You can also contact the Pensions Ombudsman if you’re concerned about how a pension scheme is run.

Online Dispute Resolution

Under European Union rules, as we provide financial services online we're obliged to inform you of the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The ODR platform is in place to help consumers resolve disputes about products or services purchased online if they remain unhappy with the response they have received from a trader in the EU.

To use the ODR platform you will need the following information: [email protected]

What happens next:

We follow a complaints procedure process, and we will keep within the below timeframe to make sure your issue is promptly dealt with.

  • Any complaint (whether verbal or written) will be acknowledged within 5 days of receipt.

  • Updates will be advised at intervals of not more than 20 working days.

  • The complaint will be fully investigated by Kota and we will endeavour to have a full response within 40 business days or sooner if possible.

If your complaint should be dealt with by one of the providers, we will inform you of how you can complain directly to them.

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